Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Return of the Deadpan Queen

Daria, the clever spin off of Beavis and Butt-head, is finally coming to DVD. I have just learned that MTV will begin releasing this hilariously deadpan series on May 11th.

So far conformation of a release date is all that is known. Other pressing questions are unavalible at this time, such as if the entire first season will be released on May 11th or just part of the season. Or if the episodes will contain the original broadcast music or generic filler tracks.

Daria aired on MTV from 1997 to 2002, containing five seasons and two TV movies. While both of the movies were released on DVD only a handful of episodes have been released on VHS. But now it seems the series will finally be avalible for repeated viewing.

Hopefully sales are strong enough for the rest of the series to be released. Otherwise the show could suffer the same fate as Gargoyles and only have part of the series released. Which in my opinion would be worse then having no episodes released at all. At least then there was hope of someday having the entire series avalible.

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