Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Avatar: A Movie That Lives Up to the Hype

After months of speculation, James Cameron’s Avatar opened in theaters last Friday. To call this movie an event is an understatement, as there is talk that this movie will change filmmaking forever. While I am not sure that is the case, I have no problem in proclaiming that it is a epic adventure that raises the standards for CGI effects several notches.

With such advantages in effects, the plot has a surprisingly simplistic feeling to it. It seemed a bit like watching a futuristic cowboys and Indians adventure, but with a hefty dose of cultural acceptance and spirituality woven in. The movie takes place on a futuristic moon called Polyphemus in 2154 AD. The moon is rich in natural minerals that humans want to mine to save their own dying planet, but are unable to persuade a group indigenous Na'vi to leave their home tree, where a vast supply of the material resides. To prevent an all out war from occurring a program has been set up to create a diplomatic solution, overseen by the idealistic Dr. Grace Augustine (Sigourney Weaver). They have created a Human-Na'vi hybrid, referred to as an Avatar, which a person can remotely link up with and use to naturally interact with the Na’vi and possibly gain their trust. New to the program is Jake (Sam Worthington), a paralyzed formed marine who was brought on because his deceased twin brother had an Avatar created and Jake’s genetics make him compatible to inhabit it. On their first trip out into the planet Jake is separated from the group and has to fend for himself for the night. While driving off attacking animals he is rescued by Neytiri (Zoë Saldaña), a princess to the Na'vi tribe that inhabits the desired mineral site. Though wary of Jake’s recklessness she brings him to her tribe and persuades the Na’vi to have Jake learn their ways. As Jake spends more time with the deeply harmonistic Na’vi and inside his Avatar body he begins to have his doubts of the plan to strip and ravage their home world.

While the storyline is intriguing it is the visual effects that dominate this movie and make it so worthwhile to see on the big screen. Viewers are taken into a completely alien world and feel as if they are actually there. The camera swoops and soars over a lush landscape that engrosses the viewing experience. While it should be seen regardless, it’s best to see it in 3D. Rather then seeing the images simply come at you the viewer feels like they are surrounded and actually in the world they are seeing.

Even more impressive are the Na’vi and the Avatars. While we have seen computerized creatures in past film like Lord of the Rings and the new Star Wars trilogy, here they are detailed to a previously unheard of way. When we see Grace and Jake’s Avatar we can actually see a bit of the actor’s face in the computerized alien creature. This level of detail is both fascinating and even a little eerie at first.

While more hype is just that, this is one film that deserves all the praise it is getting. Treat yourself to a fine movie experience and see Avatar. It is a move you will not regret.

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