Actor Andy Harlett, best known for playing the green skinned karaoke demon Lorne on the television show Angel, has passed away after a five year battle with heart disease. According to news sources the 33 year old actor passed away on Sunday March 29th at Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles. His father Dave Hallett was at his side as he passed on.
After graduating from Assumption College in Worcester, Andy Harlett moved to Los Angeles where he worked various jobs, such as a property manager and personal assistant. But it was his love of music that shot him to fame. When Buffy creator Joss Whedon saw him singing in a Universal City Blues revue, not only did he cast him as the charismatic demon Lorne on the TV show Angel, but the initial conception of the character was based on Andy’s performance. Virtually unrecognizable in green make-up and various prosthetics, the role made great use of Andy’s talents, with many episodes having him sing numerous show stopping numbers. Andy Harlett played Lorne for four of the show’s five seasons, graduating from guest star to full time cast member in the fourth season. After the series ended he continued to pursue his music career and would regularly appear at various sci-fi conventions.
A private funeral service will be held for family and close friends in Cape Cod.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
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